The tide will change
I have always approached fragrances as worlds to explore.
Every perfume I meet takes me into a story, or an emotion, revealing the dream, the vision, the obsession of its creator, that is not me.
I have always perceived fragrances as creative acts by someone who had something to say and used olfactory notes to do so, just like others create with words, colors, musical notes, or dance steps. The customer is only a witness to the creator’s vision, and can understand it or not.
For me, meeting a fragrance still means meeting a universe of stimuli and stories. Sometimes this universe is so beautiful, evocative, formally perfect, masterfully executed that I sink gladly into it, its beauty speaks to me, exalts me, even if I am only a witness and it does not vibrate with my personal emotions and experience.
I am trying to say that a scent is not beautiful because I like it. Or because it speaks about me. Or because it makes me feel good. That scent is beautiful simply because it is. Objectively. And that beauty I admire.
Now that perfume has become a very popular topic and everyone on social media is talking about it, I see the approach is changing.
People hardly encounter perfume with curiosity, as something potentially enriching, or disconcerting. Many are not able to listen to its voice, and the story it tells.
Focused on themselves, the public is attracted by fragrances that resonate with their lack of listening and empathy. Their social media discussions are popularizing extra-loud, basic perfumes aiming at advertising the wearer's presence, lifestyle, and existential choices.
In practice, they envision perfume as a mirror, and use it to amplify their image x1000, self-hypnotizing for eight/ten hours, without ever getting tired.
Phenomena are to be observed, not criticized, and I will not express any judgment over this. Simply, I detect a trend and reflect on how it is changing the market -and the definition of perfume itself.
As for myself and my choices... I am glad that not all brands focus on that type of customer. Many will continue to create formally perfect fragrances, full of complexity and interesting nuances: often beautiful, and often challenging to most people.
And they will continue to do so because this is their way of expressing themselves.
Hold on, the tide will change.